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Google is building Skype-like features into Chrome

Jun. 22, 2011 (6:05 pm) By: Alan Henry

Last month, when Microsoft bought Skype, Google execs pointed out that the only reason Microsoft got it was because Google backed out of acquiring Skype themselves at the last minute. Part of the reason that Google bailed on the talks was because they figured they could do Skype better in-house. Now it looks like they’re going to. Reports now are that Google is planning a Skype-like video and audio chat service for the Chrome browser.

Google recently released a software product called WebRTC (real time chat) as an open-source app that anyone could download, tweak, and work with. Google got the software when they acquired a company called Global IP Solutions back in 2010. Google has already pointed out that the product could be used to integrate video and audio chat into Gmail without forcing users to download a plug-in, as they do now.

At the same time though, Google isn’t stopping with Gmail. With the rapid growth of the Chrome browser and Google making a big play to get Chromebooks into the market, they want users to be be able to use video and voice chat regardless of whether they’re logged in to Gmail. According to CNet, Google wants to make WebRTC a web standard for videoconferencing, and is planning to roll it into the Chrome web browser.

If you’re worried the software will be exclusive to Chrome, don’t be. Google has already promised to keep the software open-source and royalty-free, and that they’ve engaged the Mozilla Foundation and Opera Software about including the technology with future versions of Firefox and Opera.

In the end, Google could scoop services like Skype entirely with a web application that anyone can roll into their web app or personal site. The idea is similar to services that already use Adobe Flash or JavaScipt for webcam chat, but WebRTC wouldn’t even require a plugin be installed first.


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