Zombie Survival 101 – Clothes
by White GlossyIt’s an age-old saying that “clothes make the woman”… well, in this case its “clothes don’t make the woman… a McD’s Happy meal!”
While putting on something light, movable and easy to pack is a no-brainer… what do you do when you are almost certain you’re going mana y mana with an ugly meat-sack with teeth?
We wouldn’t be the WGUB if we didn’t troll the net and find the best-of-the-best in zombie survival gear! Sidenote – While we are making sure you’re outfitted with the ultimate in zombie survival gear… assuming you have the foresight to prepare… everything below will of course be ($Free) if you have a crowbar and a few B&E skills after the undead start roaming the streets. Most everything we’re mentioning can be found in your local Army Surplus store or Sporting Goods shopapalooza.
#1 – Under Armour Tactical Hood ($24) designed to keep athletes cool and dry in hot climates with ultimate face protection. #2 – Hatch ArmorCool Head Wrap ($13) to keep your hair outta your face and sweat off your brow. #3 – Ball-cap (Whatever) the main reason for head-gear is to keep your luscious locks out of your face and sweat out of your eye… if all you really need is an old-school trucker cap then so-be-it. But keep in mind that anything the evil undead can grab (ie. the bill of your hat) they will!!!
As a plus, it is held on by velcro… so if an undead hand grabs your mask a simple pull-away will get you free. #3 – How would you like to be mid-battle with the hordes when one of them pulls a Mike Tyson on your ear? With the Louis Garneau Ear Cover ($15) those flaps on the side of your head will be nicely tucked into a safe little cover so you can still hear the soft moans of the undead craving your brains.
The Massif Army Combat Shirt ($170) is the perfect cover. Lightweight and versatile, this ultra-light, flame-resistant top will keep you moving in every way you need!
Something else to keep in mind while wielding your preferred weapons of mass destruction (I almost said murder… but hey, they’re already dead) is your hands! Absolutely one of the most important tools you have left. You need to keep them warm, but not too hot… movable, but not exposed… and armored, but not bulky.
Legs. Fighting is always important… but we also have to recognize when to run away! To keep your legs safe and sound we found 5.11 Tactical Flash Pants ($50).
We recommend Flash pants over your typical tactical pants because you never know when you may need to douse the ground with a little gasoline and keep your Dark places nice and dark (nobody likes a light burning up in there!). As for your belt… nothing fancy people. Just a regular old leather, or nylon belt with no attachments (unless it’s absolutely necessary!). The last thing you want is to be hung up on a fence post or on a creepy crawly, waiting like a piñata to be gnawed open for their enjoyment.