One of the interesting things about having favorite movies in this age of video is that, if you sit down once or twice every year to watch that movie you own, you also end up watching the same trailer over and over.
Zeram is a Corny, Stupid and FUN movie about a cool looking rampaging monster and a woman in futuristic battle armor fighting it.
It's Asian live-action Manga, and there was something kind of charming and nonthreatening about the trailer: Cool music, lots of explosions, and a woman who kicked ass.
Zeram is like Power Rangers Meet Eraserhead, intubated by Alien .
To be honest, it's more like "Abbot and Costello Meet Eraserhead in the House of Power Rangers." Shot with moments of incredible flair, Zeram has a very simple back story:
Unstoppable monster escapes from intergalactic prison and lands on earth. Before it does, however, a cool chick bounty hunter and her partner, an artificially intelligent
Unfortunately, two goofy electric company repairmen get sucked into the alternate dimension with the monster, the woman, and everyone's plans go awry.
What works in the director's favor with this story is that the monster, Zeram, seems to have been inspired as much by Noh Theater as by Giger's Alien. For example, it sports a small pale face on the top of its mushroom shaped head that can shoot out like a Freudian's nightmare. Whipping around and hissing, it can take bites out of people and then use the flesh to create icky E.T.-like creatures to do its bidding.
Sadly, there's too much of Abbott and Costello