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What Did Twitter Tell Us About the South Carolina Primary?

What’s the social sentiment on Twitter saying about Saturday’s South Carolina Primary? Mashable teamed up with social media analysis company Global Point Research to find out.


In the latest results from Public Policy Polling (PPP), Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is strong heading into tonight’s primary. He has a nine point lead over former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum just barely edged out Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) for third place.

The latest American Research Group poll also shows Gingrich leading the rest of the candidates by a wide margin.

Gingrich’s sudden burst of energy is mirrored on Twitter. Ron Paul is doing much better among Twitter users than in the PPP poll, ranking just under Gingrich. Romney and Santorum are falling flat on the microblogging service, with the least positive sentiment surrounding their campaigns:

Twitter suggests strong showings for Gingrich and Paul, but a less spectacular night for Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum.

In Iowa, we found that Romney’s Twitter status fell flat, while Santorum’s spiked — and Santorum was recently declared the winner. New Hampshire’s results showed a clear advantage for Romney, who ran away with the contest.

In research Global Point has done in the past, its data tends to be about two weeks ahead of polls and elections. For their analysis, Global Point used tweets from Jan. 15 – Jan. 20 which mentioned the South Carolina primary. Their weighted metric combines tweet volume and retweets with detailed sentiment analysis.
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