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Greetings Fans and Frienemies.  I am going to be changing my internet service provider and therefore I will not be able to post blogs for a few days.

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Of COURSE The Trailer is Back Up! Watch It Below

May 31, 2011

by urbansapphic



(Didn’t I tell you the “Leaked Trailer” was a Fake? Those Sh*t Heads at Columbia have released the trailer again and here it is.]

To remake The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo? I had previously written that it wasn’t considering that the original movie was released in 2009 or so.  I argued that the remake wouldn’t capture the visceral raw sex and violence that made Noomi Rapace’s performance so squeamishly memorable, that the remake was done to only make money from xenophobic and illiterate U.S. movie goers.

The leaked trailer is obviously a publicity stunt.  As a viewer of leaked materials on the internet.  I know that if this leak had been legitimate, then it would have been the ENTIRE movie. Simple as That.

A  New York Time’s writer stated that the U.S. version will be glossier than the original Swedish version that he likened to a television movie.

Why do many Americans always act so arrogant? Why do they equate flash and glitz with something being innately superior? I AM American and the Bottom line in the 2011 remake of: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo remains to be seen. 

Will Roony Mara’s performance equal the raw intensity of Noomi Rapace’s as the boyish Lisbeth Salander? I doubt it. Why? Because it’s a Hollywood production.  I will concede though that if it were to be a Sony “Classics” (which it is not) product that it may at minimum be tolerable. Yeah the preview is catchy but previews always are.

Nonetheless merely choosing an actor with a unique stage name, and making a  movie that is sleek and stylish without strong writing and acting is how do they say?  Oh yeah, it’s like putting: “Lipstick On  Pig.”


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