May. 7, 2011 (11:02 am) By: Sal Cangeloso
This video was uploaded in 2007–so I have no idea how it escaped my attention for so long because it’s quite good. Using only audio from Windows 98 and Windows XP (Me never gets any respect…) YouTuber SomethingUnreal created the awesome track above. All the sounds were ripped directly from their respective operating system versions. They were played back in the 9 channel audio program seen in the video, obviously with lots of arranging.
During the main sections you can barely pick out any specific Windows sounds (especially the guitar-like one) but if you listen closely and focus on individuals sounds then you’ll probably recognize more than a few. If you sit through to the end you’ll see some of the sound files in isolation as they were recorded from XP and Win 98.
Using only sounds from Windows is a serious limitation for any track, but SomethingUnreal pulled this one off brilliantly. The Windows start sound in the middle strikes me a bit clunky but past that all I can say is that Microsoft needs to get thing in a Windows 8 commercial!